What To Do When An Amazon Account Gets Suspended?

Many Amazon accounts get suspended every day. It isn’t a rare thing to see. How to get an Amazon suspended membership reopened is amongst the most often requested topics by merchants that have been in an identical scenario. Have you ever wondered why your Amazon account got suspended?

The very first step you must take is to figure out why your account was suspended in the first place. Suspension of membership can occur for a variety of purposes.

The majority of sellers are not averse to performing a detailed inquiry. As immediately as they realize that their profiles have been stopped, many merchants get to begin on their Amazon suspension appeal letters. Something they do not however realize is that understanding the reasons for the suspension will aid them in writing their appeal letters.

Whenever Amazon issues your suspension notice, it will explain why your account has been suspended. You must, nevertheless, examine these assertions to verify if they are correct.

So, what did you do to get your Amazon account suspended? Below are a few reasons why your account could have been suspended:

You’re selling products that perhaps the site doesn’t allow you to sell. As soon as you begin your venture as a seller on Amazon, you agree to their T&Cs, and so you are bound by what you sell on the platform. Some items that are banned are:

  • Alcohol
  • Dangerous goods such as firearms and explosives
  • Devices that could aid theft, such as lockpicks
  • Pesticides
  • Plants or seeds
  • Drugs
  • Animals

You’re dealing with and selling forged goods. If any of the items that you sell are reported as “counterfeit” items, then may receive a suspension letter. Amazon does not promote such trade, and so you must ensure that whatever you sell is genuine and that your source is trustworthy.

You’re receiving a lot of unfavorable comments and ratings on your products from the customer. Amazon tends to value what their customers feel, and so if your products aren’t being treated well, you’re going to get suspended.

You may have multiple accounts. That is, if you have two different accounts, for two different businesses, then you are going to get your Amazon account suspended. Amazon aims to ensure that each seller has only one membership.

So now, you’ve got your Amazon account suspended; what to do next? First and foremost, take Amazon’s T&Cs seriously, and always adhere to all of their guidelines.

To get out of your suspension, you must apply for an Amazon suspension appeal, it’s crucial to highlight that your prose style is critical in the process of regaining access to your Amazon account, and there is no surety that your account will be instated once again after your Amazon suspension appeal.

In your appeal, first off respond to all existing support tickets, and then only move on to figuring out the exact cause of the suspension. In your letter, address all the issues you have, and mention why your account must get reinstated.

Be specific, professional, and confident. Send it to Amazon, and wait for them to reply. Your account may get reinstated if you’ve done it all right. Good luck.